
machine book blog| and

machine book blog. its good. where it now standing. a figure of speech, is , inthis case,a figure of blog. this blog and others are like the Elizabethan period of publishing and freeforming, perhaps more so than even the early 20the century. was.
or blogs are books on the running air.


The book has yet to perform yet has done this where blogs cut even more . the liability of disappearing becomings is a deterritorializations of the nth degree. a lover's body vanished.

'… A singualrities , a rupture of sense, a cut, a fragmentation, the detachment of a semiotic content – in a dadaist or surrealist manner – can originate mutant nuclei of subjectivation. Just as chemistry has to purify complex mixtures to extract atomic and homogeneous molecular matter, thus creating an infinite scale of chemical entities that have no prior existence, the same is true in the 'extraction' and 'seperation' of aesthetic subjectivities or partial objects…that make an immense complexification of subjectivity possibile – harmonies, polyphonies, counterpoints, rhythms and existential orchestrations, until know unheard and unknown." Chaosmosis _Felix Guattari
Where literary criticism fails even theory is that it does not step far[e] enough Outside of teaching pedagogical functions.

cuts out the flux

______________ You were trying to be literary!____
it was okay.
Night was night.
And dog was dog.

Now the two are number!
