
In the Reading Gaol: _____________________R______________


Was the sense meaning the Same the identical?. But if that's the case then difference is abandoned left by the aside wayside?

a same that is  Not the Same,

   is preferable.

  thus the gender text wars

and real body wars

  and the simple chore

    the ringing fender   .

it's the same loving the same it's not a difference opening out  a line
of flight , or exfoliate  but its same in this instance was no

                          but  a same as in loving one's own species

                                      as woman to woman text

                                         like man to man text



In the Reading Gaol: _____________________R______________

A reader ....


A reader out for  a walk ? is she more interesting than a reader at home in her chair her lazy boy a serene object of desire.

a walk out for a chair is more Outside than in the in the inception? a walking reader of poetry  ..

Aphasiac (maniac) amnesiac


 : the spellbound reality of the moving page? walking feed reading as you walk. if you are reading poetry

are you walking the Outisde as its mature self?

a pure space of unpunctuated lather 

there is an old poem by Wordsworth    The Idiot Boy  


 we'll find the terms,             of our desperation  ,       contiguity    ,


from Comment to text



__________________'Is our reading then a prison which releases us into an Outside In?

  Is our fate as readers thus to be relatched always to an inside inside? or do we go Out?an outside toward a new body? is the body a metaphor a machine prison? crack that volume open, split that
spine down the mirror of your page.

______________ Connotations of   a reading with hyperlinking abandoned in the once mighty blogosphere of reading wending writing  
is that our
sense of the meaning ever stretching its arms  ? beyond metaphor . on a given night a body
   yawns and sings?

are you a literary machine?
